Oxford PharmaGenesis knitters take part in The Big Knit for Age UK

01 February 2017

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A group of budding knitters from the Oxford PharmaGenesis Oxford office answered the plea from Innocent to create knitted hats for their smoothie drinks by knitting more than 80 amazing hats!

The idea started back in 2003 – to knit little woolly hats for the tops of Innocent smoothie drinks. For every smoothie sold wearing a knitted hat, Innocent donate money to charity. Since then, 6 million little woolly hats have been knitted in the UK – that’s raised over £1.9 million for charities like Age UK.

This year, for every smoothie sold sporting a hat, Innocent will donate 25p to Age UK. Oxford PharmaGenesis has decided to support this effort and will round up the money raised from our knitted hats to £100 in recognition of the tremendous work done by Age UK.

Well done to the team for their fantastic handiwork – they have already had orders for larger hats from colleagues![vc_images_carousel images=”5873,5874,5875,5876″ img_size=”large” onclick=”link_no” autoplay=”yes” wrap=”yes”]