
30 April 2024

The MM+M Agency 100 report: Oxford PharmaGenesis is recognized as an industry leader for the fourth year running

For the fourth year running, media brand Medical Marketing and Media (MM+M) has listed Oxford PharmaGenesis in its Agency 100 report – the annual definitive ‘who’s who’ ranking of the healthcare sector’s top marketing firms in North America.

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Probiotics consensus tops rankings of leading journal

A consensus article co-authored by researchers from the European Society for Primary Care Gastroenterology and Oxford PharmaGenesis is in the top 10 most accessed papers in a leading gastroenterology journal. The systematic-review-based consensus article breaks new ground by summarizing complex information for clinicians in primary care regarding the use of probiotics in the treatment of…

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Wear it. Beat it … Eat it!

Many of us at Oxford PharmaGenesis have been busy baking this week in preparation for a cake sale in aid of the British Heart Foundation’s ‘WEAR IT. BEAT IT.’ initiative. Those who fancied a slice of the action have been putting on their aprons and picking up their wooden spoons to whip up a storm.

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Oxford PharmaGenesis research wins best poster prize at the European Meeting of ISMPP for first objective study to demonstrate the value of medical writers

Professional medical writing support improves the quality of clinical trial reporting, according to a study presented in London this week. The research shows that the number of pieces of important trial information reported in medical journal articles almost doubles when medical writers are involved in writing up the study for publication. “We all know from…

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Donation to the Ebola Crisis Appeal

Every year at Oxford PharmaGenesis, we ask our employees to nominate a charity so that we can make a donation in lieu of sending Christmas cards. This year, the overwhelming majority voted for the Ebola Crisis Appeal run by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC).

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Fruit-tree planting at Oxford PharmaGenesis

At a recent ‘Health and wellbeing’ lunch, Oxford PharmaGenesis employees were asked to vote for their favourite fruit trees to be planted outside of our Oxford office. Apple, pear and plum trees were top of the poll. On a cold, damp lunchtime in November, we armed some willing volunteers with spades and wellington boots so…

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Oxford PharmaGenesis contributes to industry publication planning seminars in US and UK

Oxford PharmaGenesis was pleased to engage with other industry leaders at publication planning seminars in New Jersey and London last week.

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